Saturday, April 25, 2015

You Are Beautiful!

Women have it tough! Between all of the unrealistic expectations we're bombarded with in the movies, on tv and magazine covers, plus the ones cast upon us by our own circles, it's no wonder why we have such a hard time living up to those expectations.  We're too light, too dark, too short, too tall, our hair isn't long enough, thick enough, the list goes on and on.  The beauty and fashion industry has capitalized on this.  According to the article Trends in the Fashion Industry Over The Past Ten Years, the author states: "By spending billions of dollars exhorting anti-aging products and using super-skinny, air-brushed models and celebrities to pitch them, the beauty industry has created an ideal woman in the minds of anyone who watches TV or picks up a magazine.  The ideal woman is thin with flawless skin, no matter her age. And she has drawerfuls of products that miraculously make her that way."  Even for those who have a pretty healthy self esteem it can be a challenge to maintain it.  But I assure you, it's not impossible.

The first step to seeing ourself as beautiful is to see ourselves how God sees us. In Genesis 1:27 it says "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." We were created in His image!!! He wasn't just the maker, He was the mold. And because He is beautiful, we are beautiful. It's kind of like when you see that good looking couple and think "wow, they would make cute babies." Logically, because of good genes the child of an attractive couple would also be attractive. In the same way, we as children of God bare the same genes of our Father, of our Creator, in who's image we were created. 

Secondly, it's so important that we understand the true concept of beauty not just for ourselves, but for our daughters. What are we teaching them true beauty is? Are they seeing us obsess over the latest and greatest in fashion or cosmetics while never seeing us obsess over seeking God's presence? Let's pause for a moment to read what it says in 1 Peter 3:2-4, "Do not let your adornment be merely outward---arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel---rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." This passage doesn't forbid or condemn the practice of maintaining our outward appearance. But it does tell us that the emphasis shouldn't be placed on it. In other words, keep it in perspective ladies. Remember that true beauty comes from within. I love how the apostle Peter refers to it as "incorruptible beauty"; the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. See this beauty isn't about appearance, it's about character. 

This is why I can honestly say that I have the most BEAUTIFUL friends I could ever ask for. They are the women and mothers I strive to emulate. When I look at them all I see is beauty. When I am with them I know I am in the presence of beauty. Not only because they possess qualities of external beauty, but because there is an incorruptible beauty that dwells in them and radiates from within. And I want to be around that as much as possible, just in case it's contagious. It just infuriates me when we do anything less than encourage and motivate each other. We as children of God have to be careful of not falling victim to the ignorance of this world. That if we're not a size 4, or a certain height then we're not beautiful. We must stop tearing each other down and rather build each other up. We need to ask God to allow us to see as He sees in order to love as He loves. Remember, if He is beautiful and we were created in His image, that makes us beautiful too. 

I encourage everyone to ask God for His vision, to see through His eyes. Take inventory on when it was the last time you told someone they were beautiful. Whether it be your wife, your sister, your friend or your mother, anyone. Chances are it's been a pretty long time since they've heard it. Those words said in an instant have the power to break down barriers of self loathing and worthlessness that have been there for years. Rather than using our words to destroy each other, let's use them to build each other up. You never know the difference you can make in someone's life, or the difference it could make in yours. Remember, the world we create today is the one our children will live in tomorrow, so let's make it a kind one.

Love and blessings,